Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam

My husband is private & reserved. It's how he rolls. I love that about him, so I won't go on & on here saying how incredible he is & how much we love him.

But I will say we had a great night. We went to a rugby game at the stadium!!! (thanks mom & dad!!) Living in a hotel has had its challenges but it has also had great things. One being we can walk to the rugby stadium! It was our old local team (with my two all time favorite players, one being the grandson to our old landlords,Sam Cain...the picture below) playing our new local team.

Max loved it! He's absolutely into rugby & all things kicking & catching with rugby. He passed out for a bit but as I write this he's kicking with daddy.

We stayed to say hi to Sam & congratulate him on his All Blacks games the last couple of weeks. One day Max will love having his picture with Sam.

Max & I got our Sam a rugby ball for his birthday for them to play together. It has already been endless fun and max had to take it to bed during his nap. My sports boy!

A perfect birthday with our sweet little family!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rugby. Rugby. Rugby.

Got daddy a rugby ball so they could play together. Won't let it go. Even to sleep....

All Black Rugby Fan

Max got a package from one of my friends. It had some cool hand me downs. Max was pretty stoked with his new All Black shirt! He's set for the season!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nana Fay Clothes Day

Nana Fay (Sam's Nana) has this reputation in my mind of being an amazing clothes chooser. Since I have married into this family I am over & over amazed at the cool stuff she gets everyone. She knows how to pick out or make clothes the person wont just wear but loves to wear! I have loved everything she has got me!

True to form she did it again. Sam's birthday is tomorrow and she sent Sam a perfect sweater that he loves & wanted but she also put something in for Max & me! I got a very cool blue merino top that I love and Max received the coolest snow pants!!!!

We loved them but to say Max loved them is an understatement. He wore said pants as soon as he got up from his nap and then the rest of the day. Including the night until we forced him to take them off for a bath.

He also yesterday happen to beg to wear his football jacket from Nana.
I just put it on with his other jacket & he was happy schmappy. He also rocked daddy's beanie all day instead of his beanie which is also daddy's.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm an American...Kiwi

What does that even mean? But I am one. Some days I feel EXTRA American. Different doesn't even began to describe it.

In the last week I have vacillated between loving being an American to beating myself up I can't just accept I live in this culture. Today I felt this collision again.

I met a Canadian lady at Max's music class. She's from the west coast of North America. It was effortless, emotional, encouraging, easy. She responded with huge facial expressions and shared in my love for a Starbucks. I was reminded of the ease I don't often feel here. It's not horrible, but it's not ease I would classify relationships here as. Different. Not. Bad. I left thinking again of my plight to accept the culture I live in as my own. I watch a great friend (an American) living in another country embrace it with such grace. Sigh. That's not me. I'm working on it and trying not to bristle at what I don't agree with it & feel like I fight against. Again, sigh. I'm working on me.

That wasn't the end of my very American day. I watched the news & in true American stereotype form I'm fascinated with the country's current top news story. But today an appalling story of watching public officials crush dreams killed me. There are valid points on both sides, but all day long I pondered it and still came up angry, wanting to defend this brood of young boys who obnoxiously race cars. Not because I endorse car racing or because I condone law breaking, BUT because I believe in finding a way to allow people to live their passions. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING enticing to me about car racing, but to some young guy there is. It's his pride and joy. I watched appalled as a public official gloated like an American cheerleader at her winning football team, gloat at wrecking a guy's car. So I did it. I felt extra American as I wrote a letter to my local official and a local talk show personality.

As well as the above I found myself talking to the children's pastor at the church I've been trying in order to share my concerns about Max's class. To which she responded great, but saying, "Thank you we never get feedback." Leave it to the American Mom. I felt kids were endangered. I had to say something

Tonight Sam lovingly teased me I was writing a letter to the government. Oh no, I didn't want to he "that" person! I looked up from my computer and said, "I'm not writing a letter I'm defending freedom and passions of these kids."

Yep. I'm an American....Kiwi. I'm figuring out how to create my own culture in the midst of any culture. I'll always be loud, opinionated and overly expressive, but hopefully as I adapt to cultures I'll relax and just be the me I'm becoming:: An American...Kiwi.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Animal Attic

The museum opened a new room today:: Animal Attic. Pretty much an entire room of taxidermy animals. A little creepy to say the least but Max loved it!!

We took one picture especially for Pop in the States. Can you guess which one????

Monday, June 18, 2012

He PASSED!!!!!

What is this you ask? The way I celebrate my HUSBAND!!!! He passed his first course!!! Let me brag for just one moment: HE GOT AN A+ in Bio!!! One would want their medical professionals to always be getting an A+ in that subject no matter where they are in their schooling! They aren't big on graduations and celebrations here but I am! I told Sam that I would be over the top through this whole process so just accept it. If this is how I am after a 5 week course watch out!!! Tonight we will have a celebratory dinner and just enjoy the feeling!

While he doesn't graduate from this course, it is significant because it moves him on to his next course that begins this week and ends in February 2013.  This is the first of the big hurdles we had to cross that were thrown at us last week. We are still waiting on some answers for some things, but this is a huge accomplishment!!


Enjoying the spoils of celebrating!

Butterflies with Daddy

Yesterday we got to take daddy to the Butterfly Tropical Forest. Max had a great time with Daddy & loved watching daddy touch & hold all the creepy things.

The science part is still Max's favourite I think. He took daddy all around, running to each new thing. There's nothing like watching a daddy & son. While it wasn't Father's Day in NZ this weekend I am so impressed with the daddy Sam is to Max. He shows him unconditional love, he risks & is brave, he's patient, he plays with him because he loves being with him, he loves his mama and provides adventures for us to experience & grow as a family!

Max is one blessed kid!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I love this boy

I can't get enough of this cute boy in Jammies. He still loves his guitar Jammies and loves rugby. He got a special treat to watch the All Black vs Ireland game last night. (whew! What a game!) Which consisted of drinking hot chocolate & having a cookie during the national anthem & Hakka. (To which I tell him each time we hear the anthem there will be no way I ever teach it to him. Hardest national anthem ever!!)

Max then pretends to do the Hakka with them. Probably one of the cutest things ever. Then once the game begins he is down on the floor kicking his rugby ball over & over! The kid can't say much but he can say Dan (for Dan Carter, the All Blacks main kicker).

This morning he needed both mousy & his bear. That morning face kills me!

Rugby Family

Go All Blacks!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Night Beach Fun

The beach is the beach no matter what. The crashing waves. The chaos of the surf. The sand. The smiles. The refreshing feeling that comes. I love the beach!

Botanical Gardens

Today we ventured to the gardens. It was a gorgeous day and we love walking around this city. We are loving living in Dunedin. I love all the things to do and the crisp cold.

Max had fun feeding the mass amount of ducks, looking at all the birds, running around the paths & sitting on Daddy's shoulders.