Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sometimes I just can't stop looking at him because he is so ridiculously scrumptious! He is full of smiles, energy & hugs and kisses. He got some new finger paint this week. And a cute new green hoodie from my parents & I can just eat him up in it.

He also had a fun surprise and had Liam here all day. He came super early so they spent the morning cuddling on the couch
watching cartoons. We had some fun riding bikes and playing at the park. He loves playing outside. He would be outside all day, not much unlike his mama.

This week has been a new normal starting. Sam has officially begun his year. He had quite a few hiccups with registering but it's finally finished. He has a bit more paperwork to do for a very important part of this year. Pray for open doors and wisdom.

Max and I transitioned pretty easily. It hasn't been a hard week for me at all. Surprisingly easy in fact. I'm so glad for so many reasons we came down in May and Sam finished a year already. It helped us know what to expect for this hard busy year. Max cried a bit last night because Sam had a meeting and he only saw him for a few minutes. We talked about our important role when daddy is studying to be a doctor. He was very very very happy to see daddy this morning.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Rugby Season Has Begun

Chiefs vs the Highlanders. What a game! The Highlanders lost (the team from our area) but the Chiefs are from our old place. As I saw the Chiefs on the field and the colours of their jersey I found myself aching for the Mount. Sigh. I cheered for the Highlanders. They lost but I loved being in the stadium, seeing the crazy university students and being right on the field (we had great seats!).

Max had a blast and loved all of it. All week he talked about going to the rugby game. His favourite was still kicking, but he fully enjoyed every moment. I loved looking at his smiling face throughout the game.

This was a VERY long and hard week with quite a few surprises that I didn't particularly love or want. The game was such a fun release and reminder for me what we are doing in Dunedin. We sat in the "old people" part & loved it. But I as well loved seeing student life and the city full of fresh faced university students ready to change the world with a little partying on the side. I was grossly reminded that when all these new students were being born i was a fresh faced student starting my first year of college. Yikes! how did that happen?!?

Fall is falling here in Dunedin with winter close on its tail but at least we have rugby season and a great stadium and cool city to live in while Sam does school.

Sam starts the toughest year Monday morning. He has heaps of admin stuff to take care of in the midst of starting classes. Pray that all gets sorted quickly and easily for him to start this year. Max will have massive withdrawal from daddy time but hopefully between the 2 of us we can be creative as we face this year. It's not bad...The beginning of November is the finish line. We can do it!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Daddy's on a Break!!!

Max is SO happy having daddy on a break.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Proud! What a great day of celebrating Sam. Such a massive milestone for him and our family. After moving our family, taking a big risk, starting school up again after 10 years and adjusting to a new city he had the first fruits on Thursday.

The ceremony was wonderful. The administration did an incredible job of celebrating and documenting this year. Watching Sam walk across the front was such a special moment. He has worked so hard to get to this moment. It really is a milestone. His next graduation will be in six years so I love that we got to experience this together.

After the ceremony we did what the Acklands do best...went to the beach. We headed to the beach Max and I have been going to lately and had fish and chips. It was a beautiful night and a perfect way to relax. Once we got home Max and I celebrated daddy with a party.

A wonderful day and night. So proud of who Sam is and who he is becoming.