Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mid Winter Christmas

I declared July 25th as our family's Mid Winter Christmas. WHY? I was missing it being Christmas in all this cold weather. It just felt like I should be drinking Hot Chocolate and watching Christmas movies. We have a few things in June so July was the next best option. I got Sam a little present and I started a tradition!! It made sense to me because for Sam Christmas is warm weather and the beach and BBQ's which is our Summer...which will be perfect if we are in the States living--seeing that July is often pretty darn hot and FULL of BBQ's!!

This way we get the best of both worlds. I loved watching Christmas movies yesterday...The Holiday and White Christmas were my choices!! And I even splurged on a peppermint hot chocolate with whip cream. (I have had virtually no sugar through the pregnancy but decided I would pay the consequences for this one special treat) Sam had to work all day but I still loved being cozy on the couch and watching my favorite movies. It made sense to watch a Christmas movie and feel cold and be warmed by Hot Chocolate all at the same time. I also explained to my little guy the whole Christmas dilemma and why we will now be celebrating two Christmas' each year. He LOVED the music in White Christmas and KICKED like crazy!!! He especially loved the song about SNOW. Sam said it might mean he HATES snow and that is why he kicked :)

It was a fun day for me nonetheless and I loved starting a new tradition and Sam even loved the gift I got him! YAY for two Christmas'!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


As I sit and type I am listening to a sermon from Redding having "church" at home this sunny Sunday, Sam is working and I am feeling my little guy kick like crazy. Some times the change from this last year feels so "normal." Those are the moments when I remember that life takes time. Timing is not my strong suit, never really has been. This last week I saw how God's perfect timing is worth waiting for no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Last year at our wedding I absolutely, genuinely thought we would be doing a wedding this year in CA. The reality of life and what God had in store for us was very different than what I thought and my timing was not at all the way it turned out. Last weekend our good friend Sally and Andy planned a party for us and invited all the people that are so important to us and made it an "engagement/wedding/housewarming" party all wrapped into one. It was such a sweet gesture and Sally and Andy once again out did themselves with communicating love to us. They aren't family, but for me they are the closest thing I have to family here. Some days I just want to escape and just be with no expectations, no more new, no more change, and have someone to rely on. That is my Sally and Andy here. They have been so good to us and this party was such a fun and non expected gift for me especially.

We had everyone but 2 or 3 people able to come, some traveling from Auckland. It was SO fun to see some of Sam's family friends he grew up with and see his parents with their best friends. I just smiled as I watched these couples love all over Sam and his brother Tom (the two they spent the most time with. Sam's family moved down here when his sisters were quite little). It just made me smile thinking of my parents friends that have always, no matter how long it has been or what the circumstance is we see them they just LOVE my brother and I. I love thinking of those moments with some of my friends kids and getting to love on them and spoil them when they are in these stages of life.

A friend of mine took a few pictures for us and I thought you might like to enjoy some of the night with us. We were beyond blessed with gifts, gift cards and fun memories with even a few gifts for the bubby thrown in. It was timed perfectly and I enjoyed it more than I could have imagined!

After a few attempts we finally got a picture with Sam where his eyes were open, he was looking and even kind of smiling...he doesn't like being in front of the camera....oh the photographer in him :)

Sam's mom did AMAZINGLY yummy food and made things look so nice too!

Every one brought a little something and we had a WONDERFUL feast of great food!

Sam's Nana and Ted

Our great friend Sally sampling the yummy food.

Sally and Georgia...Georgia girl hung out with me all day and did SO much for the party too!

The cupcakes!! Rosie made all these delicious intricately decorated cupcakes. She did such a good job and they were a hit! Sam even saved a stash for the week. They are the only sweet thing he likes...He loves his sister!

Rosie made sure we even had "congratulation" candles for the night!

The generous presents everyone got us, plus those BEAUTIFUL flowers Sam's mom did for us to make it special.

Opening presents was more like a shower than a party, but everyone (the ladies) wanted us to open them. Sam made it through....barely...he had some kids and iPad to play with to make it through :)

My cute brother in laws....the bottom picture is my brother in law James with Mackenzie, Sally and Andy's other kid.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blood Type Facts

I have seen the book, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, and glanced at it. This last week I picked it up again and checked out this webstie. I have had to choose food carefully through this pregnancy and it was extreemely insightful to read through this a little more thoroughly. Ironically, a lot of the foods that help me right now are the ones that are beneficial to my blood type. And the foods that have my whole life been ones that haven't been great for me(though I still ate them because often they tasted good :) are the ones I should avoid for my blood type.

I am Type O living now with Sam's family who is NOTHING like Type O. My mother in law can't understand me at all in my eating habits and my LOVE of meat. It is quite interesting to read through and check out foods that make sense for you.

Also, even more interesting is the websites descriptions of how each blood type handles stress and the excercises that help most. I felt "NOT CRAZY" as I read it and of course immediately told Sam the "reasons" I act the way I do. He just laughed and said, "I know I know..."

Give it a read and let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Pictures

Sam and I walked up the Mount today. The beauty of having a husband who is a photographer that works for a paper is his camera is always with him and his eye is always looking for pictures. Today I was some of his pictures! I am 6 months today and not all that much bigger from the last set, but I thought you guys might enjoy these.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Attitude Adjustment

A few minutes ago I received a call from New Zealand Transport and an email from a friend empathizing with my frustration. Both made me smile and laugh at myself. It's always good to be reminded by friends of truth and empathize with you all at once. I was frustrated, clearly, and my attitude was STINKY...which seems to be how much of my year has gone attitude wise. That said it is good to learn through these moments and all I can do is hang onto the hope that you can always change and God is always at work. Plus it's always good to get a good laugh at yourself when you see the chaos that is your mind and emotions. If I have learned anything after this year and process it is how to laugh at myself and enjoy my quirkiness of emotions and frustrations.

AND....a nice person at New Zealand Transport called to tell me he accepted my paperwork no problem. AHHHH to eat humble bitter sweet. He was so nice on the phone and told me to go down whenever I could and present my documents and a reference number showing he had okay'd everything. I admit defeat and judgment and bad attitude....and love the victory of such a small thing like a drivers license...and maybe a changed attitude!


Precisely the reason I keep this blog to friends and family in the States is because of mornings like this! Sometimes I just need to scream about the differences in other countries without offending my friends and family here. Today is one of those days!!!

I have been trying to convert my drivers license since February. It currently being July you can just imagine this has not been an easy or speedy process. I have just left their version of DMV for the 7th time!!! WITH NO LICENSE YET AGAIN!!! It's amazing how stress can affect me and how learning to handle stress and emotions this last few months has helped a ton. Lucky agent today that I was talking to! It has been a mission to prove that I not only have been driving for more than 2 years in the states, due to the fact I got a FL drivers license. The license was issued when we arrived but that does not show that I have been driving two years since only a little over a year ago did we arrive in FL. I had a copy of my CA drivers license...because my mom has taught me to always make and have copies of things. YET THAT DIDN'T WORK. UGH!!!! After having an incredible mom and auntie help me get through to DMV in CA which is a mission in and of itself I was able to get my driving record. More than once I wanted to scream at the agent here and tell them that America is a VERY big country and you don't just gain these documents easily...seeing NZ isn't even the size of one of our large cities in CA. I must confess I did say that once to a lady as tears of stress were streaming down my face.

This go around they would no accept my marriage license from FL showing my maiden name that is still on my passport because in the transition I wasn't able to change in time to be able to have it for my immigration processes. Evidently FL gives a certified copy of your license stating that they hold the original...even signed and dated in blue ink showing it is not a copy. YET THAT WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! UGH!!! Today I wanted to scream at the lady when she said, "Well your state shouldn't do that." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! Your small country which is just going to make a copy of this marriage license is telling me how a HUGE country should and should not do their processes. AYE YA YAE!!!

I had to then talk to New Zealand Transport which is the higher up of their version of DMV. Their customer service is SHOCKING in NZ on a regular day but evidently this organization is the worst in NZ. YEP I VOUCH FOR THAT. They had me fax everything to them...though they can't see the signed blue ink, but whatever! And now I have to wait to see if "management" will approve it. Their response was you will receive our decision, no discussion but our decision!

AYE YA YAE!!! So while I understand that my frustration is not the WHOLE of NZ's fault it sure feels like it today. The process to move, live and have a child in a new country is ALWAYS an adventure...some parts are treacherous though!!!! But, mom, yes they still are always an adventure!!!

My little boy will be a legal citizen of both countries that is FOR SURE!

Until next time!! Hopefully the license isn't too far away....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Front Page!!!!!

Sam started "officially" Monday and has had TWO FRONT PAGE pictures in the last two days!!!! WOO HOO!!!

Yesterday he took a picture of a boat that had some sort of accident on it in the bay here. It was a very cool picture! These were in the paper today:

This one was a family going to Nepal with Habitat for Humanity. Click here to read the article and see his picture in the paper. (Just for you mom!)

This one was a house that an elderly lady who bequeathed her home to nurses.
Click here to see it in the paper with his name on it (that's for you mom!)

It is SO fun to walk by the paper stand and see "photo by Sam Ackland." I have to admit I get quite giddy and SOOO proud. He is loving the work and likes the pace of it. He is all over the place and even had time to stop by my work (that is right down the road) to say hi.

Staying Up Late

Man you can get a lot accomplished when you are falling asleep at 8pm! Last night Sam went to a meeting at 7 and I was determined to get some stuff in the living room done. I quickly did a Pilate's DVD and then turned on The Holiday and tackled the decorating.

I wanted to put maps on the walls and stain them with a lacquer that is tinted brown to make them look old and used. I got the beginning of the project done and will finish them in the next couple of weeks. I put the maps on cork boards and will paint the wood a dark brown and then add the aging lacquer another day. :) I loved the idea of maps when I saw it on a Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware website I was looking at the last month or two. Sam and I both have such a heart for the world, not just seeing it but being a part of God's story in the world. We have no idea where we will end up over the years but our hearts are both spurred by stories in the world and the untold stories we see.

OH! And Sam's mom painted us the Fiji map on the wall. She had it at their house when we went over for the 4th of July and Sam asked who did it and whose is it? Sam's mom shyly said, "I made it for you two but didn't know if you would like it." :) Sam loved it and I was thrilled because it was very cool, special and of course means a lot to us. I didn't have a Fiji map and thought it only right that I should at least have a map of Fiji up in our house seeing that is a main reason we are married. :)

I also did a wall of's nice that I have always LOVED lots of pictures and now am married to a photographer :) Slowly I am gathering frames and putting up pictures, but it is so fun to have pictures on the wall!

Sam's parents gave us this incredible chocolate brown leather couch. We felt so blessed especially because our whole marriage we have only had a love seat! A full couch was a great addition!! Especially since I seem to fall asleep every night before I actually make it to bed!

As Sam pulled in the ending of The Holiday was playing and I was cuddled on the couch under a warm blanket with the candles and heater going. He was SHOCKED to see me still awake at 10:30 and I laughed and said, "You can get so much accomplished if you stay awake past 8!"

It's amazing how a few decorations and pictures can bring warmth and security to me. It's just a frame, just a map, just a candle...but to the feeling that comes is one that I love. I am already looking forward to hanging out in the living room tonight...though I might be asleep well before 8 after that "late" night!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July

We had such a great day with Sam's family. It was freezing cold here today! We had an inside 4th of July but a great one nonetheless. We walked into Sam's parents to see this:

Evidently my father in law snuck it from his school where he works. :)

Then I noticed the table! Sam's mom had these cute little cowboy boots from when Tom (Sam's brother) was little. She had the napkins in them and used them as a center piece. I thought it was SOOO cute!

I made Sam pose with me in front of the flag...which he absolutely loves when I do! :) I also wore my California shirt in honor of the 4th as well :) I can honestly say wearing a thermal, scarf, gloves, hat and jeans was a bit of a change but the California shirt made me smile.

We had hamburgers and hot dogs and chicken wings with baked beans, Doritos, and home made potato salad!! YUMMY!

Sam's family even looked on the Internet to see what the 4th of July was all about...secretly because they thought I would have a "family quiz" again like I did at Thanksgiving...hehehehe. Even Sam's brother Tom admitted to looking stuff up on the Internet yesterday!

I made Chocolate Chip Cookies last night...the chocolate chips here are more like little flakes and they don't quite look like American Cookies when you make them but they sure smell the same!!

I also made an apple pie at their house today. It was super easy to make and so sweet and gooey! I can't eat sugar right now so I just had a tiny taste, but man was that tiny taste good!! I forgot how much I loved homemade apple pie!

Sam's mom made homemade brownies too so we had lots of yummy food to enjoy!

I love getting to start new holiday traditions with Sam's family. They are so good to me and always make it a fun experience. Even though we had to stand by the fire a lot of the day it was still a fun family day! And I think my new family even over ate just a tad bit today...slowly they are understanding the true meaning of American holidays :)

I hope your 4th is great, full of warm weather, swimming, homemade ice cream and lots of fireworks!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Photo Journalist

Sam is officially a photo journalist!!! It is no surprise to many of us! We all know he is an amazing photographer and is incredible at telling a story with pictures.

He started on Thursday at the Bay of Plenty Times. He was supposed to shadow one of the photographers, but as with talented photographers he was thrown in because they knew he was good and could handle it.

We walked around the corner to get the paper today to see if his shots were in there. YEP!!! ON page 2 was one of the stories he took on Thursday. Below is his first official picture in the Times (He was in there one time before, but now he is in there as one of their photographers).

It's pretty exciting to see him push through these doors. He laid down doing weddings and families and will only do them on rare occasions. The family we nanny for LOVES Sam and asked him to do their family. He can't resist their littlest guy Cruz. Well, truth be told Cruz can't resist him. We walk in and Cruz gets so excited he doesn't know what to do with himself. Then he proceeds to follow Sam around the whole time.

There are 3 boys but the older two are 13 and 9. I nannied for them before I started my job at Salvation Army. Right as I started the older boys headed to Uruguay for 2 months to live with their dad who is Uruguayan and over there at the time. We had Cruzy all the time, for weekends at a time. Sam and him are pretty connected and we love watching their family. So when the mom asked Sam to take pictures I smiled to myself thinking there are very few kids Sam would pick up his camera for again and these guys are some of them. We watch them on Thursday nights now. Each week we order pizza...this week we had to get ribs too and Cruzy is quite enjoying them as you can see and play with boys and put them to bed and enjoy their warm house with two fireplaces!! It melts my heart to watch how good Sam is with boys and especially with his little shadow Cruzy.

Sam will be working three days a week at the paper, which happens to be two blocks from my work!!! This gives him some time and freedom to work on some projects that he has wanted to do and submit other places and still have his foot in the door in photojournalism. We will keep you updated on his work but just wanted you to see his first official picture in the paper!!!