Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blood Type Facts

I have seen the book, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, and glanced at it. This last week I picked it up again and checked out this webstie. I have had to choose food carefully through this pregnancy and it was extreemely insightful to read through this a little more thoroughly. Ironically, a lot of the foods that help me right now are the ones that are beneficial to my blood type. And the foods that have my whole life been ones that haven't been great for me(though I still ate them because often they tasted good :) are the ones I should avoid for my blood type.

I am Type O living now with Sam's family who is NOTHING like Type O. My mother in law can't understand me at all in my eating habits and my LOVE of meat. It is quite interesting to read through and check out foods that make sense for you.

Also, even more interesting is the websites descriptions of how each blood type handles stress and the excercises that help most. I felt "NOT CRAZY" as I read it and of course immediately told Sam the "reasons" I act the way I do. He just laughed and said, "I know I know..."

Give it a read and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I've been loosely following this for years because of my mom's encouragement, and I totally buy it!! :)
