Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Weeks at the Mount

It seems a bit unreal that we have two full days left at the Mount. I am processing it in spurts. Denial. Acceptance. Fear. Tears. Excitement. Today I cried a bit, not about "moving" or at least I told myself that. I love the beach. I loved our little simple life in the 4 blocks that we existed in for two years. I love that Max has a love for all things beach and insists on surfing and skateboarding daily. I love that all the shop owners love Max and he has stolen the heart of every college age girl in a 4 block radius. While I am sad I am truly simultaneously happy to be moving and starting a new thing. We existed at the Mount. We rested. We healed. We grew. Now we are moving forward in a new direction. I am excited to be in a university town again. I am excited to be in around the love of education and the excitement of learning. Good byes stink. I hate them. But they are part of life.

 Here are some of our last couple of weeks at the Mount.
Max and I LOVE going to our music class. He is one of the smallest and youngest there but loves being up front and helping.
He thinks he is 5 I am sure of it.
This is our FAVORITE little friend at Music.  His name is Sam and Max thinks he is the "coolest" big kid ever.
Our very last day of Music at the Mount. I led this morning and laughed a little when all the Kiwi moms said "We are going to miss your enthusiasm and energy" because I think that is code for "We will miss the loud American nutty mom."
One of Max's favorite girl friends.  He would not let her hand go all morning.
Hanging out with Nana at Starbucks getting TONS of sugar!
Our computer sound was going out so Max started praying it would work.  Smiles.
Moving fun.
Pilot Bay and my guys.  Sigh.  Love it.
Family beach time.  Max is showing Daddy a plane.
And telling him what a plane sounds like.
Wearing Daddy's shoes.
Family love.

Daddy's boy.

Morning walks to Starbucks.
My favorite boy.

Zoo Fun

Our play group went to the zoo a few weekends ago.
Max didn't like his little friend screaming in the back seat. HA!
But he loved the giraffes.

Max and his buddy Talia and Sam checking out the reptiles
Max's favorite thing at the zoo?  The play ground.  He might be my kid after all :)
Our neighbor has a cool train in front of their house and Max decided it was time to ride it. Pretty cool!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In Latest News ::

You will want to read to the very end of the post to see the most recent exciting news in our life.
And NO I am not pregnant :)


We went on VACATION!!!!!

"Elmo" babysat Max while we packed.

Max found hair wax. Whatever keeps him occupied.

Funny Boy trying on Mama's glasses before we left

We stopped by Nana and Pop's and Max got to see his new tractor one of Uncle James' friends gave him. Pop got it all spruced up and Max LOVED riding it.

We went with our friends Hayley, Ryan and Finn!!!!
Max was a little irritated we had to take a picture. Poor kid, get used to that!!

Bath time fun!

One day they will both kill me that I posted these pictures. But seriously how cute are these boys?!?!?!

Our first morning at the beach Max and I were up first so we went for an early morning beach walk.

Later we all went down to the beach and had a bit of a play.

Max and Finn were pretty cute buddies. I hope they always remain good friends.

Easter Loot.
In New Zealand you do a Chocolate Egg instead of an Easter Basket. Finn and Max got both and then SOME.


He liked his breakfast of champions.

Like his Mama and Grandma.

Morning Cuddles.

Finn liked the Chocolate too!!

Sam and Ryan made us this AWESOME Bonfire one night.

Thanks to my Mom I got to treat these Kiwi's to an American Classic:: S'mores!!
To say the boys liked them is an understatement!

We had such a great time with Hayley and Ryan and Finn and loved that we could go away together and watch our boys play and just hang out and do nothing together.

Hanging out at the beach

Kisses for Mama. We LOVED this beach house in the back. I wasn't sold on the color but I loved the look of it and loved the white trim too.

The boy loves boats. What can I say.

We were about 10 minutes away from the beach Sam grew up going to every year as a kid.
We headed there two days while on vacation and had a GREAT time visiting old family friends that still have a spot at a camp ground that is right on the beach.

My little lifeguard

There is something about stepping into someone's past. Especially ones you love and places they love and have such fond memories for.

Playing in the rock pools Sam grew up in.

So great to walk in the rock pools and water where Sam grew up.

Look Mama a bug.

On the way home we stopped by Nana Fay and Ted's house for a visit and went on a walk to a great French Cafe. Max LOVES being with Nana Fay. He would only hold her hand.

All tuckered out on the drive back home.

We stopped and Nana and Pop's house before we headed to our house. Max LOVES being with Nana and Pop. It was great to catch up with them after Easter. This same day 2 years ago we told them we were pregnant with Max and now he is playing in there living room.
I love life!

*****In the Most Recent News*****

We are MOVING!
The ironic humor for those of you that know me well :: we are moving to one of the coldest places in New Zealand at the bottom of the South Island, seemingly minutes from Antarctica. Okay that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but when we tell people where we are moving the first thing they say is "OOOHHH it's COLD there." But I am genuinely excited for this next move. Sam is going to go back to College and doing some science classes heading towards the field of Medicine. We are not exactly sure where it will lead but we are pretty excited that separately we both had this idea. And when we shared it we just knew we had to step through the doors to see where it led. He has been accepted into a competitive program and here's the kicker :: we are due in Dunedin at Otago University on May 11th!!! THIS YEAR!!! The program was VERY competitive and I am so proud of him and what he is doing.

Everything has fallen into place. This was such a spiritual experience for us and with encouragement and support from friends here (thank you Hayley and Ryan!) and our families and friends back home I just know that this direction is perfect for us. We are both open to where it leads, but the possibilities seem endless in what engerizes Sam and what I love doing with people and what I dreamed of doing one day with my family. One step at a time though. We have housing in Dunedin and Sam is in the first of three very hard and competitive courses that he will have over the next 18 months. Breathe. Here we go! Max and I will have tons of fun exploring in our new VERY WARM jackets (thanks Mom and Dad!) while Sam goes to school. We are living right in the middle of town 5 minutes from the university and next to shops, grocery stores and even a Starbucks. (Smiles. God's extra goodness in my life!) We are only there for one month in which time we will search for housing. We will be living in a fully furnished apartment ( adventure and close quarters!) Then my father in law has offered help us move all of our stuff done.

I will search for new things for Max and I to be involved and I hope that I will once again get to work with College/University students in some capacity.

I also have scoped out any and ALL beach towns near Dunedin and have found a couple that I am praying that we can find good, WARM, afforadable housing by the beach. If you are going to pray and dream I say pray and dream BIG!

We are getting final details together and packing the next three weeks. We will keep you all updated and will continue to put pictures up of Maximilian!