Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We LOVE Christmas. This week we decorated the house so we had four full weeks to enjoy our trees until we head to the beach. Max loves having his own tree and cracks up that there are jandals (flip flops) on our big tree. We even went to a Christmas tree farm where reindeer wandered around while we looked at near perfect trees! 

All in all it was a great success. My two favourites, summer & Christmas,merged into one. 


We have had tons of birthday parties lately. It makes me smile to watch Max with his friends. The last one we went to was Kiera's Ice Cream party.  Max loved it and didn't mind being the only boy most of the time. 

Eating sorbet 

Max & the ladies 

This picture just cracks me up. We love baby Claudia. 

Cuddles for the bday girl


Sunday, November 17, 2013

1st Official Day

Tears. Clutching. Sobbing. 

Once again the day started rough. We talked about it all weekend but the actual leaving was tough. I walked outside to yet another mom telling me her little girl did it too. Another mom came running to my car as I sat sobbing to tell me he had already stopped crying. And that this Kindy is lovely and she drives across town to send her kid here. 

I went straight to a coaching session with a client so it was good that I had something to occupy my time. Sam and I both picked him up. They said he did good but did have a few tears but the teachers stayed with him. He was pretty reserved but did love showing us what he did today. 

He needs this and while I sat crying I know that in order for him to do well when he actually goes to school he needs these years to build confidence. Strategic thinking is what makes me know this is good. Plus he is a BRAVE and COURAGEOUS kid! 

First day of Kindy breakfast. Dinosaur & Butterfly eggs. 

First a Day of School picture 

Here we go. 

Big kid ready to go in the door of Kindy. 

Sobbing in the car. 

We made it! Now cupcakes with Kiera. 

They approve. 

A little after Kindy date. Toffee Nut Frappacino style. 

All in all it was a good first day. He's going to love it and love the feeling of conquering a very hard thing. It's in his DNA!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Leaving Kindy

Tearful.  Painful. Awful. I had to leave Max for an hour on Friday. It was awful. I know it's good for him. I know he needs to learn to be confident without me there but it was oh so horrible. 

Tomorrow we have are first official day at Kindy. I'm excited and sick to my stomach. He doesn't know all the routines. He doesn't know the teachers well. He might feel stupid. He might get left out. Can you say MY ISSUES?!?!? 

Yikes it's amazing how at 37 you can automatically transport yourself back to childhood and your own fears. 

Max is amazingly hysterical. He loves people and is so kind. He makes you smile. And always wants to laugh. It just takes him awhile to trust you enough to show you that. That's a good thing. He doesn't throw his heart out there or spill his guts so you like him. He assess and then makes a move. I can learn a lot from him. 

Tomorrow we head to Kindy at 9. He's vacillated between saying he doesn't want to go to he wants to try it.  We are celebrating after with his favourite friend Kiera. He wants a Peppa Pig Party at Starbucks with Kiera. So we will get piggy cupcakes and meet for his "date" with his friend. Oh how I wish we lived close to Kiera so they could go to Kindy together. Tomorrow is a big day for him. His courage will be going even though it's scary. 

Sitting in group time with the kids 

Not to sure he wants to get any closer. 

A bit more silly and confident at their picnic with me there. 

This kid. 

A long two emotional days. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Day of Kindy

Well today was a milestone. Max had his first day at Kindy. I stayed with him the whole time but it was quite a big deal. I didn't cry, but I didn't leave either. Max loved it and really seemed to enjoy the rythym of the school. It's a very structured school. Clear boundaries and lots of respect for others and their space. I love that. And so did Max. It works well for him and the way we parent him. 

I felt peaceful at some moments and scared to death to leave him at others. But I know this is good for him and important. We went to the bathroom at one point and he said, "Mommy I like my new Kindy." 

Tomorrow we go together again but I leave for an hour or so then Monday he is on his own. Eek! He is ready. He did need a Starbucks to start his day. I get that. It's a comfort thing and it worked. He's SO my kid. 

Special first day of Kindy breakfast. He chose gingerbread man egg. He's so my kid!

Ate his first round then had another round. Dinasour & a bone. 

Off to Kindy. 

Off we go. 

Such a big kid. 

His morning Starbucks. His gingerbread coffee he requested. (Soy milk with gingerbread in it)

In front of his new school. 

Lookin' for bugs with a new friend. 

Learning how they do painting at his new school. 

Lovin' it!

Max made a new friend. This sweet girl made sure Max was okay all day. It melted my heart. It was like she was his little angel. 

Eating lunch with his new friends. 

Family walk up the steepest street in the world. Perfect end to a great day! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

3rd Birthday Extravaganza

Puss in Boots!!!! We had a crazy house full of kids and some of Max's favourite people, and seeing it was cold we were all mostly in doors. It was quite cozy. 

Max had SO much fun at his party. His "oh wow mommy" at all the food and decorations melted my heart. He is a character and loved having all the people he loved (minus a few) at his party. 

Puss in Boots & Kitty Soft Paws

Golden Egg Hunt

Checking out their treasures 


Max had a wicked good swing 

He shocks me with his athletecism. He was the one who broke the piñata. 

He wasn't surprised. Check him out strutting away like it was a piece of cake. 

His candy!

Picture time 

Pass the parcel 

The food!

So fun that my friend Michelle designed the party. Everything was labeled & matched. 

The cake! 

Bean Stalk

Arie, Liam & Max 

The Kitty Soft Paw crew. Sienna & Kiera are some of our favourites and we love them to death!! 

Cuddles all around