Thursday, December 12, 2013

Best Friends....the beginning of being separated

So Max had his first moment of having to be separated from a friend. His third week of school ever. Poor kid. My legacy lives on. The teachers said him and his friend Connor are buddies and giggle, play, run, fight tigers, and just pretty much be boys together.  The teachers kindly said they have to separate them at group time because they talk and play. They quickly told me it's a good thing though, they are just being friends. 

Max had Connor come to our house this week and we couldn't be more delighted with what a great kid he is. I love this Kindy. I mean absolutely undeniably LOVE his Montessori. I'm so happy with what they are challenging him to do, who they are helping him become and how they are giving him opportunities to build confidence in himself.  I love that he is learning how to be friends but still crazy chasing tigers with boys! 

Playing at Kindy. Connor is next to Max & sweet Otto is on the left. 

Connor and Max asking me to take pictures of them. 

Playing with the cool race track Nanny Diane & Pop got him. 

They were cracking up laughing! The pictures are blury but SO cute I had to post them.