Sunday, June 26, 2011

Walk Up The Mount

Our winter has been SOOO mild. YAY for me :)

Today we took in the sunshine and headed up the Mount.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


We love Starbucks! And we love hanging with friends at Starbucks even more!!

Max and his friend Jackson. Jackson weighs 10+kg's That is 20 some odd pounds. What does Max weigh, well not sure how much he weighs but not even close to 10kg's :)

Family walk at the beach
Hanging with Daddy getting ready to chase birds

He's just too cute for words!

In other funny news: I discovered rhubarb this week. How you ask? Sam's mom has a sweet friend that brought us a box full of garden goods. Everything from fresh farm eggs to kiwi fruit. And a bunch of some pink celery.

HMMM. I just bought a whole stalk of celery for some soup, which I only needed one or two pieces of celery. BUMMER. Later that night while I watched Britain's Best Baker (yep I live in a country that gets boring UK TV, no drama, no fights, no yelling, but what can you do it's still kind of like a food network show?) One of their challenges included that pink celery. OH, it's not celery it's rhubarb! DUMB!! But at least I figure it out before I made something with it. One of the best pies I ever had was a rhubarb strawberry from Costco that Danielle and Derrick and I used to get. YUM. I went straight to google to figure out what to make with all this rhubarb. I found a cake recipe for which I had all the ingredients. It was a rainy blustery day so I baked up some rhubarb cupcakes with sugar and cinnamon on top. YUMMM! Sam didn't like them but I did. While sugar is still pretty much a no no for my body I do admit I sampled quite a bit today. Max even had some. Play group and my in laws will enjoy the bountiful pink celery cupcakes come tomorrow!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Hayley and Finn (and Ryan) came to see us! I am sure some of you remember me talking about Max's little friend Finn from a couple of months ago. Hayley and Ryan have moved temporarily for four months...the first being while we were in America. I left for America and came back to no Hayley or Finn. I was so bummed, but today I was so excited to see my friend Hayley and get to do our "thing." Get Starbucks, talk, walk and connect about life, work, trusting, kids and marriage.

Our little men at Starbucks! I absolutely LOVED Finn's cool glasses!

This picture cracks me up because I can just hear Finn saying, "Man mate you have A LOT of emotion."

A little blurry but seriously how cute are these boys?!?

Our sweet boys just hanging out

Finn is looking

Max is looking

It has bee so fun to see all the blessings in our life this last year. In my quest for focusing on the good I can tell you that Hayley and Finn have been a highlight for Max and me. Max was THRILLED to see Finn and Hayley today. He was chatty and quickly tried to grab and cuddle them both. Max overwhelms Finn a bit but we still got some good smiles. Finn is a delight and such a perfect little man. He smiles and has eyes that light up. I love watching Max and Finn talk and play together. I am thankful for the surprise friends that God has placed in my life in this season. Today as we walked by the ocean and just talked about life I felt encouraged, hopeful and known.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Yosemite and More

While we were in America we spent a day at Yosemite. It was fun just walking around, playing in the snow and hanging out with the family.

He is such a curious boy

Grammy "got" him :)

Always doing his new trick

He gets so excited to see Daddy and Grandpa

So cool to see my Dad, Husband and little boy all hanging out

This one just makes me laugh at my wildly awkward pose...oh how cute it could have been :)

In the Teepee

Max's first time in the snow

He's not too sure about it

My sweet boys

Our little snow family

Hanging out with Grandpa

We might have made Max watch the Royal Wedding :)

Hanging out with Stacie and her family!

Maxers checking out the canal behind my parents house

So many times of taking pictures in this exact spot...amazing to now be taking a picture with our husbands and sons. LOVE.

Max and Grandpa in matching shirts

Hanging out with Aunt Denise at her wedding. He LOVES her!

Momma and Max at Aunt Denise and Uncle Jim's wedding

Driving the tractor with Grandpa

Hanging out with Grandma in the airport before we fly out

Hanging out with Grandpa

Maxers LOVES straws

He was cracking Grandpa up

Then made Grandpa play with him

The end of a great month.