Sunday, April 24, 2011

Max LOVES his Grandma

I forgot to post the all important Grandma pictures! Since we have stayed at my parents the majority of the time I have actually have forgot to take pictures! Mainly because my mom and dad have Max and Sam and I are getting to watch TV, read books and actually eat dinner together. Our little Maximilian is FULL OF LIFE and MOVEMENT! The kid just loves to move so having grandma and grandpa watch him has been pretty fun!

This was the first day we were there and Max just fell into Grandma's arms.

This one makes me laugh the most because he is looking at me as if to say, "Mom, please, I am reading with Grandma, leave me alone." :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


We are in America!!

We arrived a couple of weeks ago but haven't stopped since we arrived. The day after we arrived was Max's 5 month birthday. Sam had a great idea to take his 5 month old pictures in front of an American flag since he is now an official duel citizen.

My Aunt is getting married at the end of April and Sam is taking the pictures. We are so excited to be here for her and Jim but even more excited to just have her cuddle Maximilian.

Like I said we have gone non stop, but have had such a great time. We spent some time in Redding and saw great friends, hung out with our friends the Aiellos, went to a Giants/Dodgers game, spent time with my college roommate and her family, traveled to Los Angeles and saw some sights, stayed with some friends and saw some other great old friends. Grandma and Grampa have spoiled Maxers like CRAZY. And the funniest part of all -- Max is an EXTROVERT!!!!! He is loving America and all the loud and crazy people. He lights up around kids and masses of people.

We have another week or so here and are so happy to have the chance for our family and friends in California to see Max and for us to see them. These aren't all the pictures nor all the memories, but these are the pictures I had a chance to put up today finally!!

Maxer's first American Basketball game (Elli's bball tournament)

Our friend Amy lent us this excersaucer and my oh my did Max LOVE it! So much so my mom bought him one for her house!

We surprised both Grandmas. They were SO happy to see Max in person and give him cuddles and kisses!

Nathanael (my college roommate Stacie's son) and Max checking each other out


Max's first time at an American beach

We had a GREAT GREAT GREAT night at our dear friend the Reyonlds.

Audrey and Max sure loved each other! He's pretty excited as you can tell :)

Maxers LOVED these kiddos! The louder and funnier they were the louder he giggled and screamed. Zane even left a lasting impression....he taught Max how to fart out of his mouth! Max watched him for quite a few minutes then all of a sudden he was doing it! And he loved cracking Zane up with it. Now he thinks it's funny to do with tons of pumpkin in his mouth :) I love that Zane will have this fun memory of teaching this to Max and one day will get to tell Max that he did it!

Outside a restaurant in LA after eating with our friends Chad and Kristin. Maxers was tuckered out after flirting with the waitresses, dancing to all the music, and generally being an extrovert in a packed restaurant full of people.

Our friends we stayed with in LA at the Getty Museum. It was such a great museum and Sam and I both loved seeing Monet and Renoir originals. I never expected to enjoy the museum like I did.

Our Hollywood BOY!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Apple Tantrums

I was eating my apple last night with a little boy in my arms. I let him have a taste. He wouldn't stop eating or gumming it. I moved my hand away to take a bite of my apple. Said little boy SCREAMED. I moved my hand closer. Said little boy was fine. I finished my apple. PANDEMONIUM broke loss. A neighbor surely thought I was beating said little boy. We got another apple. Daddy ate an apple with Max. Daddy tried to take a bite, this is what happened as the apple was being returned to said little boy's mouth:

Said little boy realized the apple was back:

All was well. The second apple was finished. TEARS and SCREAMING. Dad and Momma just looked at each other convinced now that they will have a very strong willed, passionate little boy on our hands. A tantrum over an apple at 5 months old....who would have thought?