Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ah...the City

Sam and I are heading to Auckland! I don't think I have been this excited to get away and go to a big city in years. I have a love/hate relationship with L.A. While being away so long and living in a VERY small town with all the small town extras,
aka: showing up at a party and having other people tell you what's going on in your life when you haven't seen them in months....that's always a small town favorite moment) I am more than ready for the city, even the traffic.

This is the skyline of Auckland. The picture is super small sorry, but hopefully you can see it.

We are also going to Sam's Nana's house. These two experiences in and of themselves take Sam to a whole new place. HE LOVES AUCKLAND and HIS NANA!! Sam grew up in Auckland in a place called Devonport. Here are just a couple pictures below. Going there transports him back to some of his fondest life memories and being in those memories with him and hearing him replay his love for that area is one of my favorite things. The plan is technically to go there and get a car, but even if that doesn't work out the time away, his Nana, old friends, and being in the city will be more than worth it!

So off we go to the city for a few moments of escape and excitement. Cities brings back so many memories for both of us, nostalgia always seems to set in once I enter a city. I tend to reminisce about all the cities that I have been to in the different countries I have visited and lived. It's funny how cities in general are a memory trigger, but to share memories with each other, laugh about times of getting lost or accosted in places like Kiev Ukraine or Beijing will fill our trip with laughter and fun.


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