Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bed Time

Little rascal is finally responding to my mean bed time routine. If you consider mean sitting next to his bed until he falls asleep. Ugh! I never wanted to do that yet here I am. It's taken 10 days of tears, a bit of yelling & a whole lot of consistency to have him not scream when it's bed time.

Stage two:: sitting far away from his bed while he goes to sleep. To be followed by stage three:: outside his door. To then quickly be followed by stage four:: FREEDOM again. Saying good night & letting him go to sleep on his own.

Man this move shook this little boy up. He's strong & full of courage so he will come through like a rock star at the end.

1 comment:

  1. we just put silas in a big boy bed...here's what works for us: bribery. he goes to bed quietly (no screaming, kicking the door etc) he gets an m&m in the morning (or after naptime). it works like a charm :) oh yes, and we put a child door lock (like a baby proofing door handle) on the inside of his door since he was roaming the house at 2 am....he's not a fan.
