Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bath Time

Daddy makes bath time an event. Momma gives Max a bath. Daddy plays, sings, laughs, and just plain makes it fun.

This is the picture I received last night at work. Max singing his heart out!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

He LOVES Daddy

Forgot to put these up.

He slightly loves his daddy

Beach Mornings & Beach Nights

Daddy has been running in the morning then meets us at the beach. Max freaks out with excitement as he sees Sam coming.

Max got a new rash guard from Nana & Pop Pop this weekend. He looks like a little surfer now.

We saw penguins being released one morning. Max just wanted to chase them while the lady releasing them was crying with joy. Funny sight. Made me secretly giggle.

Max got to help make Momma's Starbucks this morning.

Breakfast on the beach with Daddy

After surf boards and skate boards, Max's next obsession is boats. Daddy took him to see the boats after they dropped me off to work the other night.

Pretty lucky boy to start and end his day at the beach!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Peace, Love, and Sandy Feet

I finally finished my picture wall in my kitchen. I found this quote yesterday and HAD to have it to complete the wall. It is me summed up in one sentence.

Sam sent me these two pictures last night when I was working. This is the way we walk home from the beach most days. The beach is behind Max and he is heading towards our house.

He stops each day here to pick some flowers

Daddy sent this picture to me this week too. They head down to the harbor to look at boats after dropping me off at work.

Walking to get the mail

Standing in the sink after stubbing his toe getting the mail

We LOVE our Courtney

Bath time. Momma misses it but Daddy sends me pictures!

Dinner on our deck before work.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kindred Spirits

South Island

North Island

Forever Mates

I sent Hayley this picture of Max today while she sent me this picture of Finn today. Man I miss the Burnetts! But love how alike we think!!! Hayley and I drank endless Starbucks while we chatted about being moms/mums, family, work, life and anything else we thought of to talk about. Even though we are far away I love that when Max saw this picture he screamed and smiled and said "jinn jinn jinn!" Evidently that is how you say Finn when you are one. Wishing for a Starbucks date with our Kiddos.

Life Is Better In Board Shorts

I saw this quote at one of the surf shops by our house yesterday and it sums up my life motto I think. Not deep. But true.

We have resorted to Zinc. I can't keep sunscreen on by his eyes so he now will look like a little one year old surfer. This morning at the beach Max was in HEAVEN. A surfer came by and let Max see and touch his surf board and called Max a "gromet" (what they call little surf boys here in NZ) Pretty much looks like a mini version of the surfers these days with the zinc under his eyes and on his nose. He spent the rest of the morning screaming "board" and couldn't wait to get home and tell Daddy what he got to do. It was pretty cute to see him wake Sam up by screaming "BOARD."

We then did what Max LOVES. Fed the seagulls. I cherish these moments and this blogi s for my family, but also a scrapbook for us, so feel free to scroll past all the pictures that look alike these days :)

Classic Max look. I feel like I could fast forward to 16 and here him saying, "really Mom do you have to take another picture of me?"

Since we are in Vacation mode, aka - swimsuits every day, showers optional, picnics and slowing down, and no regular schedule of activities - we headed to a local kid shop and I pretended to shop so Max could play in their play area. He loves it there and squeals with delight as long as I will leave him in there.

We took our lunch to Pilot Bay since Max's other obesession is boats.

Of course he found birdies to feed there too!

Life IS better in Board Shorts!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Max LOVES feeding the seagulls at the beach. This morning we went and there were seagulls waiting in the spot we sit every day. It cracked me up. They sat there looking at us seeming to just be hoping we brought food again for them.

The birds were not disappointed. Max fed them bread, chased them, talked to them and said birdie about a million times!

The couple I lived with while I was in New Zealand the first time has sold there house. Max and I went to help them pack a bit later in the day. Watching him toddle around this house just made me smile. You just never know what is around the corner.

If Sam and I have learned one thing in the last 6 months we have been reminded and learned that what is happening that we can see is not all that is happening.

Here sit's my little boy in a place where I wondered if I would ever get to be a mom.
I sat on this deck morning after morning and some of the mornings I wondered if I would ever have a family. As Max played all afternoon I had to just stop and smile.

It's always nice to be reminded that just because life looks bleak, or frustrating, or just plain bad that there is always another part of the story that we don't know or can't see yet. Four years ago I wondered, cried, and questioned if I would have a kid and today that little boy toddled around one last time in the spot that seemed to be filled with doubt. Hope. It's worth hoping even when nothing is working out right. Life can change, miracles can and will happen and a new things is always coming.