Maximillian is Six Months OLD!
He's HAPPY. He's selectively smiley. He is CURIOUS. He is adventurous. He can communicate without words. He LOVES his daddy. He only gives kisses to his Momma. He loves his play group. He is CHATTY CHATTY at home. He laughs a lot. He Loves kids. He adores his uncle James and Uncle Tom. He is crazy every time he sees grandma and grandpa on Skype. He is wiggly. Let me rephrase that. HE IS VERY WIGGLY! He knows what he wants. He loves rough housing. The mornings he is the silliest. He is a lot of work, but SO worth it!
Dana you are so blessed~~ He is the most beautiful boy EVER!! I am so sorry I missed you when you were in town. !!
dana, he is beautiful!!! love the pics :)