Monday, January 20, 2014

Goofy Kid

Life lately has been a beautiful blur. I've started working (training) and love it! I love jandals and swimsuits but I also forgot how much I love heels and being a working mama. Max is thriving still at Kindy, Sam is working lots before med school begins and we are living in winter. Yep you read that right, winter. Really I feel like our life is this movie 

For those of you that haven't watched this Disney movie, pretty much the summer is turned to a freezing winter. This my friends is Dunedin. It. IS. AWFUL. I cannot get over the temperatures and just the overall cold that is supposed to be our summer. It is absolutely horribly magnificently depressing. I hate winter when it falls in the normal order of seasons, but this...this is just cruel. 

Moving on from that low. Our boy is hilarious! He loves playing his new claw game from Aunt Weasy (Sea Jay) & Uncle Banning. He's constantly telling jokes that often don't make sense but he still cracks up. And he is riding his balance bike non stop. 

Claw game. 

Shoeing Uncke Bunckle the phone he got him & how he takes it ever where. 

A quick break from the bike to show off his "cool" outfit. Who doesn't need gumboots with their board shorts and a hoodie? 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sun. Glorious Sun.

Oh how I love the sun and sea. Life is really better at the beach!! I had such a great time living at the beach for ten days. My in laws spoiled us with a trip and a caravan to stay in while at the beach. It truly was one of the best presents you could have gave us after the last two years. My mother in law said once to me while we were there, "we want to bless you with this."  Waking up and going to sleep to the ocean's waves, sitting in sunshine nearly every day, and seeing my cute boy go from Dunedin white to tan, blonde beach boy was just that. A blessing. Thank you Don & Debbie!! 

I only got to catch up with two friends and didn't get to see my coffe group/play group this time but other than that it was bliss! We spent time with Sam's old friends that have become my friends, we walked on the beach, had ice creams and take aways, we had coffees and muffins in the early mornings at the beach and just felt like us at our old beach. 

I love the Mount. I know we might not always be able to go back there but each time we do my soul wakes up a little bit more. I loved watching Max play and giggle and talk of his love of the sand and sea and I adored seeing him enjoy himself there. He loved being out at Nanny Debbie's and Pop's. One morning he looked for eggs in the chicken house, fed the fish and picked plums and oranges for freshly squeezed orange juice. He was rather proud of himself. He played tigers and running constantly with Uncle James and loved Uncle Buncle's gift of TOMS shoes where another kid in need will receive a pair of shoes since Max did. He loved his auntie's gift, sand toys for the beach & a 3D colouring book for the rainy days. 

We are back in Dunedin and so sad that it's 6 degrees celsius (40 farenheight) and raining in what's supposed to be winter. I love our friends and church here but man I'm not going to miss this stinking weather!! 

Happy 2014!!!!

Homemade S'mores from Hayley & Ryan 


Max got to ride on an All Black plane on the way up!! He was in heaven!

Xmas Jammie's on our first night in the caravan. Living the Dream! Yep his Jammie's sums it up!

Tractor fun at Nana & Pop's

Everyone loves S'mores. 

Motorbike riding at Nana's

Swimming on Xmas!

Our gorgeous Georia girl!!

Early mornings at the beach. 

Uncle Buncle's cool mobility scooter he used after he hurt his knee. 

Our gorgeous California cousins, Jasmine & Jade

Sam's friends from school and all the kiddos. Such a great day!!

One of my favorite thing about summer at the Mount was the Diet Coke bottles all said "I ❤️ Beaches or I ❤️ Holidays or I ❤️ Summer" 

So this happened. 4 stitches after hitting my knee on the caravan. Bummer!

A date with myself. Cheese crackers. Diet coke. A good book. Sun. And an ocean view!

Gelato on the beach. What holidays are made of!

Playing with friends at the camp ground

Uncle James and Mackenzie on New Year's Eve 

A coke festival on the beach brought lots of fun things to look at. 

Max LOVES Uncle James. These are some of my favourite pictures from our holiday. 

Being tigers 

Max showing off his winking at Aunty Sally's

Our gorgeous Georgia

Our first night back in Dunedin, Sam was called to work and I was under my down comforter freezing pretending I was still on my bed in the caravan watching and listening to the ocean while I read. Didn't really work but gave it a shot!

Max LOVES his TOMS shoes and had to wear them to Kindy his first day back, even over his flip flops which is a huge deal! Homerun gift from Uncle Buncle(Uncle Tom)