Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week Two

What a full week we have had!!! It's been beautifully warm again. We have done more fun things at our friends and I think it physically impossible for Max to stop kissing the bubba. We headed to the bike park and the massive park by the beach. We had a few quiet days at home because Max was under the weather. We went to the Mount!!!!!!! 

My friend Hayley said before we left her, "Have fun at your spiritual home."  I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. There is something that was so sacred that happened to our family at the Mount. Max was born. Sam discovered deep insightful parts of him that led him to Med school. I became a mommy. We walked on the beach every day bar none. I made incredible friends that are life long friends in New Zealand. And Sam and I became a team in a way only sacred moments can create. It was breathtakingly beautiful to drive back "home."

Watching the All Blacks

Playing with Finny

Splashing in puddles

Water fun (notice they are in shorts and tshirts!!!! This is winter people!)

Sick day playing trains

More Trains

Bubba kisses

More bubba cuddles 

Bike Park!

Notice the ocean!

Such a cool spot!

More bubba cuddles 

And more...

And more!! Poor bubba. 

Our old house! (That's fully modern & remodelled!!! 

Playing with the Bouma's (our landlords that lived in front of us and who also happen to have a grandson on the All Blacks and they gave Max a big picture of him for his room)

The sweet Bouma's.  What a treasure they were and are to us. 

Our favourite dairy family from the Mount.  They spoiled Max then and it was the same today. 

Uncle Buncle!

One of his best buddies when he was a bubba. 

He loves Talia

Playgroup party! It was unbelievable to catch up with them all and just be with the kids and my friends again. Such a blessing of playgroup. 

Playing marbles with Pop. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week One in the Sun

What a great week Max and I are having at Hayley and Ryan's. Max cannot stop cuddling the bubba and plays non stop when Finny is home. I have been made all to aware how busy and loud my son is! The bubba, Arlo, is a light sleeper so Max is trying his best but its SO hard for him to be quiet. He just doesn't stop moving or talking. Being with Hayley and Ryan I realise how busy he is when they comment on his constant moving. It's just become the norm for me. 

We have had a blast though! We have gone to a cool beach with very cool parks on the beach, a kid bike park with working stop lights and roundabouts, gardens, a farmland zoo, an aquarium, and a super long board walk where I did a long run in a tank top!  I love sun. This is how winter should be. None of this down jacket that doubles as a sleeping bag stuff!!!

First flight he will remember. 

Gollum (Lord of the Rings) in Wellington airport 

Sacked out on the third flight there. He is an awesome traveler. I loved our day!

His first meeting of Arlo. He couldn't contain his joy. He keeps saying, "I wuv the bubba mommy. I never want to leave."

Notice my non stop blurry kid!

Finny in his kitchen!

Cute friends


We love the beach!!!!

Love love love


Cool walk/boardwalk 

Did I mention Max loves the bubba and we both love the beach!

Really loves him. 

Really really loves him

Farmyard Zoo. A stretch for Max and me but we had fun!

Coolest parks I have ever seen

Cool Bike course 

Park on the beach. Brilliant!!!!!!

Max wouldn't stay still. This is the best I got!

Max loves their bath. 


Dinosaur at the aquarium

Crush from Nemo!

Notice my son doing circles around Finny. 

Constant moving but loves Finny and is always checking on him!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013


We have had full busy weeks here. And tomorrow we leave for Hayley's & Ryan's (insert dance party here!!!!!!!! We are so excited!) the weather has been semi decent until the last two days but I am hoping for flip flops and dresses for most of my next two weeks. And a million cuddles with Finn and baby Arlo!!!

Max sporting SAMs old leather jacket. My mother in love saved a suitcase of favourite & special clothes for each of her kids! We got SAMs at Max's baby shower. So incredibly special!! And I love this jacket!

We bought a pillow for the plane for Max. He's a tad bit attached. 

Hair cut! Cleaning us up before we head north. 

Snacks with his buddies waiting for birdies. 

Our favourite girls came again this week!! We love when they come!! 

Mommy & daddy snuck away to the beach for a date and Max had his first baby sitter awake. Our favourite Anna came and they had so much fun. The evidently went on a mouse hunt with spatulas and ran from baby tigers and hid in bed and ran around dancing and did lots of laughing. He had such a fun night! I love him having fun baby sitter memories. We love how loved he is!