Monday, May 27, 2013

Snow Day wish for swimsuits all year long couldn't be farther than the truth! We woke up to a blanket of snow. Max and I hurried into snow clothes and went outside. Daddy took pictures from inside. 

We ran daddy to school then headed to Starbucks for a warm drink and the fire. 

What a fun day. "If you can't beat 'em join 'em" was our motto today. I asked if it was normal to have snow like this....with the slow reply of "not in May." Uh oh!

If you read the article I posted yesterday you will be happy to know its 4pm and our curtains are closed, I had my down jacket and beanie on most of the day....inside. And I saw my breath in the hallway! 

Why oh why do people choose to live here. The snow is gorgeous and fun, but seriously whose idea was it not to put heat in houses!

I love NZ...

But some things are just so insanely different that I feel crazy at the end of the day. It's nothing major (98% of the time). Little idiosyncrasies that seem insignificant and often times I miss myself, yet am left feeling out of sorts or dumb. It's then I know I hit another weird and strange cultural difference. 

I came across this light hearted article tonight and died laughing. I also felt deeply known! Just this week on a run I was thinking how tiring it gets to always feel different. Think different. Act different. I like myself...most days. But seriously I thought I was more secure than this. It can take one phone call from a friend in CA that says 10 seconds of "normal" (my  version anyway) and I catch myself thinking or actually saying out loud, "See I'm not crazy." 

The whole list is hilarious to me. And dead on true. The funniest is the washing machine one. There's not a week that goes by that I don't think, "Why can't they just make bigger washers? Would it really kill them." 

Oh and the heating one....don't even get me started!  I said to Sam this week, "I feel sad for Kiwi's that they don't know what it's like to be warm in their house, not just the living room." 

I do love NZ. If forced to choose tomorrow whether to live in NZ or the States I think I might choose NZ. Or Hawaii or Fiji. I mean if we are going to pretend lets be real about my dream. Swimsuits 12 months of the year. No change of seasons. Sandy beaches and sun.  My dream life. 

I digress. I do like living in NZ I just get tired of thinking so differently about so much and feeling crazy that I think and feel (again don't get me started on feelings and emotions & them seeming weak...I will stop there) so different. 

Humor makes almost everything bearable. I loved the smell of winter on my run Saturday. I loved running to the top of a hill and seeing more rugby fields than I could count filled with kids and adults playing rugby. I love that my little boy can be near me in a store without the fear of him being kidnapped. I love that Sam can do school (med school!) for 1/4 of the price. 

But some days you just have to laugh at the little things that make me beat my head against the wall...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


These pictures just scream Fall with family. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Max has had SO much fun with Nana Debbie & Guitar Pop. Even being sick he's still managed to laugh, play blocks, play rugby, watch rugby, play cars, go out for a small treat and stay glued to Pop's side. Poor dude has a tummy bug. He's like his mommy though and rallies for people and when he wants to. He's thrown up the last three nights but has been semi okay throughout the day. Poor guy. It's been nice having Nana here because I could just cuddle Max after he was sick and daddy and Nana cleaned everything up. 

We have one last day with them left. Here's hoping for no sickness! 

Watching rugby 

Lots of building around here 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rugby Posts

Nana Debbie & Guitar Pop are here. Max had requested that Pop build him rugby posts for his kicking & rugby obsession. Pop was on it day one. A quick trip to Bunnings and a hack saw did the trick. Max now is the proud owner of indoor/outdoor rugby posts. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's Here!

After over two weeks we finally have a car!! The bus was fun and a good reminder how hard it for those that have no car or means for a car. We had some funny moments the last few weeks. One including running to the bus with two boys in the rain, running again carrying a car seat with two boys while Max screamed, and once having a bus driver just pass us by, luckily another bus got us and drove us to the right bus. Whew! What an adventure!

We LOVE our new car. I feel giddy each time I get in. I am SO happy to be in a SUV again. I was glad we had a car before but I hate sedans and love being up high again. Max loves seeing everything so much easier now and Sam seems to take the car each night now. Funny he never did that before. We are so thankful for our car. Worth the wait! 

Levi. Max's New Buddy

Max has a new friend. And bonus: I love his mommy. That's always a great combo. I'm watching Levi two mornings a week and Max could not be happier. He is a sweet and kind little boy which is exactly what Max needs. This week we had adventures in gum boots. Puddles. Mud. Running. Rocks. Rivers. Perfect boy day. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Hair

He's pretty excited about his new hair! Now he really looks like the Uni kids. And he's really happy about that!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Leaves Falling...
Rain Falling...
Rugby Balls Falling...
Tears Falling...
Snow potentially Falling...yep. Snow might be falling tomorrow. Yikes!

This week while Fall fell with beautiful colours all around us we enjoyed some fun times with friends, goodbyes to our old car, packages from Nanny Diane and Pops, blueberry muffins, rugby, crunching leaves, bus trips, a few tears, runs in freezing cold temperatures, a few melt downs - me included, and a NEW CAR!!! We don't get it until Monday but man am I HAPPY.

Fall means months of cold ahead of us. While I HATE that we continue to embrace the beautiful days like today, Rugby season, hot drinks from Starbucks, the Gardens, candles flickering each night, down blankets, and the giggles of the coolest 2 year old around.