Friday, September 30, 2011


I can remember when 35 was ANCIENT. I can remember being in my 20's talking to my friend Kerri about who we wanted to be in our 30's. Naivety was bliss back then. I can remember thinking I was SO wise and smart at 25. I can remember watching a lady in her 40's when I was 22 talk about her life. She said something that I never forgot. In your 20's your worry so much about what others think. In your 30's you say, "Forget it! Who cares what they think." In your 40's you realize no one was thinking of you anyway! I loved that quote and I always tried to call it to my mind when I struggled with who I was in my 20's and now think of it and laugh when I have caught myself saying, 'Who cares what they think.' I can remember wondering if I would ever have a family. I can remember looking at people in their 30's thinking they looked so old and mature.

Thirty-five came and went last Sunday. I found myself so content. So happy to be with my little family. So okay with who I was. I told Sam 35 felt great. It felt like a sigh of relief. Relief from what? Not sure. Thirty-five just felt good.

What I woke up to Sunday morning! All my favorite things: Words Sam thinks about me in a framed picture, pedicure, pictures of my two favorite men, a card and chocolate. Sam outdid himself this year. This words of affirmation girl feels very filled up after this birthday!!

My men off on a mission to get my birthday presents

Sam ran a 12K on my birthday. It as SO fun to get a Starbucks, walk down in the hubbub of the runners and meet Sam to wave at him as he ran. Then we raced to the finish line that was on the beach to cheer Daddy on as he finished. The day was yucky out but the beach is always nice no matter what the weather. Plus Max got to wear his cute hat!

Max on the way to drop Sam off at his 12K run. A friend from Playgroup made Max this adorable hat!

Waiting for Daddy to run by so we can say HI

Waiting for Daddy at the finish line

Here comes Daddy!

Always walking around

We went to our favorite little place: Wholly Bagels! YUM it's like being transported back to CA

Sam's parents brought me over a HUGE Chocolate cake and presents. I couldn't finish my piece...that's just how chocolatey the cake was!

I HEART pedicures!

The weather lately has been in that in between spring/winter annoying stage. But on the nice days we are always out and about. I am so thankful for where we live. I love experiencing God's goodness each day whether it's overcast or sunny.

Max and Daddy have been taking quite a few skateboard adventures

We have headed to the beach often and Max is loving the beach and ocean as much as we do

We got pictures on our shelves and it makes me so happy to just sit in our living room at night looking at our little family. I am so blessed to have a VERY talented photographer for a husband (especially when he humors me each month and takes tons of pictures for me of Max)

Waiting for Momma in a store took a bit long so Daddy and Max found a fun new chair. Max thought he was king of the world

Thirty-five is neither ancient nor boring. In one of my favorite magazines, O Magazine (that my beautiful Aunty gave me a subscription to each month!) Oprah ends each issue with "Things I Know For Sure." While thirty-five feels way too young to know much to me these days, there are a few things along the way I do know. I know that I did not know everything at 25, nor do I know much of anything at 35. I know that my parents were right: they get smarter every year. I know that God is good. I know that promises are fulfilled and dreams really do come true. I know that friends for life are a gift not a right. I know that no one is perfect and hurt should always be forgiven. I know I don't feel like the people I looked at when they were in their 30's but know the secret now: they didn't feel like they were in their 30's either. I know that the beach and summer are still my MOST favorite things. I know that marriage is work but the greatest gift I have ever received. I know that 35 is full of life and possibilities, so many lessons learned in the past, so much future to look forward to and so much LIFE to live in the moment. I LOVE being thirty-five!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spring is Coming

The sun has began to shine a tiny bit here in New Zealand, followed by some freezing cold windy days to remind me that summer is not quite here. I am holding out for it pretending it has arrived. I have started wearing flip flops non stop, skirts, and tank tops with hoodies, and have been in the sun each time it was out. I even noticed that I kept my summery Facebook picture as my profile pic in rebellion that I was really in winter.

We have taken tons of walks on Sam's days off and Max has not found his favorite spot - Daddy's shoulders

The little girls at the local store on the corner LOVE Max. Their parents own the store so they are there most weekends. Max gets chocolate or a cookie each time we go in and they spoil him with hugs and kisses. He's a Mount local. :)
On Sunday while Sam worked, the girls went with Max and me to feed the Seagulls. Max had a blast with them and was annoyed at me trying to get pictures.

I was sick one day this week so Nana, Sam's mom, took him out for a couple of hours. After asking she give him no sugary sweet things, they came back with a book, a bird that makes noise and had eaten pie. Oh Nana's.

Max goes to a music group each Monday. Here are a couple of little boys he has made friends with. The older one with his back to the camera was taking each toy out to give to Max, saying over and over "Here Max. Here Max here is another toy. Here Max here is another toy. I'm sharing with Max." Such a sweet boy. Hence the pile of toys on Max's lap.

Max and I headed to the bay for a picnic this week. He loves being outside and loves watching the birds as we sit and eat our lunch. He isn't always thrilled with Momma's incessant need for picture taking though

The Rugby World Cup is in full swing and I am LOVING it. This weekend we have a big game and Sam is off work so we can watch it together. Go ALL BLACKS!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Latest Happenings Around Our House

My parents bought Max a new car

I think he likes it!

He's pretty excited about his new mobility


Happy Boy after nap time

Washing the car with Daddy

His first fry with James and Papa

He loves his Uncle James

On Father's Day with Uncle James at Sam's parents

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 Months Old

Personality Plus.

Here is just a few we took today.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Pack

My little man has been transformed into my little backpack for our up the Mount trips. My parents got me a better pack that is for the front, back and side up until 3 years old. I was so excited to use it when we got it this week. This carrier is AWESOME! I felt like I had barely gone for a walk with it. I LOVED IT. Max not so much. I am not sure what it was but he did not like it at first. We went with our friend Courtney that is one of the Starbucks girls that has become our good friend and is actually heading to Redding to go to Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry next year (I am excited but slightly jealous she will be there :) Courtney kept Max entertained and Max gave Courtney high fives and pointed out all the birds to her. It even started getting VERY cold on the way home and began raining and she pulled off her sweatshirt to wrap over Max. She loves him. And we love her.

He's not too sure about Momma's new pack.

He concked out on the way up the Mount.

Sweet sleeping boy.

We have TONS of pictures to add but seeing my boy has ants in his pants and NEVER stops moving when he is awake I am crashing for the night. Soon you will see the last few weeks in pictures!